Merry Christmas... God is with us... Be still...
Why is God taking so long?
God is up to something good
God is up to something good . . . we will soon have our one year anniversary for the Denton Campus. I wish I had enough space to share all the stories from this past year of how God has been faithful to us. We are so excited about our first baptism coming up Septemeber 2nd. There will be at least 5 -6 people that we know of that will follow the Lord in baptism that Sunday at High Rock Lake . . . we hope to have many more. Our one year anniversary party is coming up Saturday August 25th from 1 pm - 4pm. For your enjoyment, we will have ice cream, balloons, clown, music, inflatables . . . everything is free.
Now what really is important . . . the lives that have been changed. People who haven't been in church for years, people looking for a place to belong, people lookin for grace, people looking for Jesus . . . they have found it here at High Rock Community - Denton. As I look back at this past year, I am overwhelmed at how God has used me and my family . . . only because we made our self available for whatever He wanted. This time last year, my husband and I had been praying for a confirmation on whether we were to be a part of Denton . . . as I sat in a service in Greensboro during a missionary presentation . . . God was speaking. On this missionary's power point flashed a verse that jumped off the screen and into my spirit . . . John 15:16 "For you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you to go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last." God has a plan for each and every one of us if we would just seek Him and listen when He speaks. You'll never know how He will get your attention . . . just be ready to hear Him speak . . . God is always up to something good.
Simple rules to be happy
1. Free your heart from hatred . . . forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries . . . pray.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have . . . grateful attitude.
4. Give more ... extend grace.
5. Expect less . . . humble yourself.
Be encouraged as you try to live more like Christ.
How are you living the dash?
Well, here we go, another step of faith.
My journey started the day I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I was a 12yr. old girl full of hopes and dreams. When I heard the story of Christ and what He had done for me . . . I immediately was drawn to this man who loved me so much. I was not raised in a christian home, so to hear of something so wonderful was more than I could ever imagine. Through the years, my love for music and for God took me places that only came from making myself available for His service. Through ministries such as "S.A.L.T.", "World Help/Mission", "Tapestry", and solo venues, I have been able to share my personal experience with God. Recently, my husband and I, along with our daughter moved to Salisbury, North Carolina. My husband is originally from this area and felt the Lord was directing us to "come home." Through a series of events we moved the spring of 2004. It was several months afterwards that we became affiliated with High Rock Community Church. After much involvement, our love for the church and the people grew. As plans went under-way for the Denton Campus, my husband and I were approached to take on the new campus. Through much prayer, we decided that this is what the Lord had in store for us. And so the journey continues . . . as of August 2006, I am leading worship at the Denton campus along with a host of a million other tasks. But I wouldn't have it any other way. There is a certain contentment . . . a peace . . . if you will . . . when you are in the center of God's will. I look forward to keeping you up to date on the journey.
How Great Is Our God,
Kelly Loflin
Acts. 20 :24